Tuesday 11 October 2016


What challenges did I face during production?

During production I kept going through many problems. One of them was the fact that I kept getting new ideas for the recording every minute, but the problem was sticking to one of the brilliant ideas that I have created. This was a problem because I kept feeling that I had something missing. It kept feeling that the film wasn't at its full potential. To fix this I asked my co-workers to just ignore me as that way my ideas would not be recognized. Another problem that I had to go through was the background noise with the recording. There was no way to stop it, either than to tell people to shush which wasn't really the problem. I would change some of the characters and the setting of the film to a place which is much more crowded. Another problem was finding people who would act for us because everybody kept changing their mind. Eventually it took us a day to figure out who's playing who. 

What challenges did you face post-production?

Post production I had quite a few problems. One of these problems was that the editing software that I was using, Final Cut Pro X, didn't have the effects that I had envisioned. For example in the flash back scene where there are just images showing what happened at the party, I wanted there to be a flash and to zoom out and have that same picture layed on a table, and would do that for the rest of the images. I would redo all the shots and try and get rid of the background noise as much as possible. 

What are the overall strengths of your work?
My overall strength was the creativity of the film. I would like to believe that I contributed the most to creating the plot and shot list. My other strength was my enthusiasm to try and finish the film to its best. This is my prized strength as the flashback scene. This is where it connects the story together, the first scene and the last scene. This was the missing link to the story. One other strength that I had was my acting, as I took it for GCSE and love to act.

What are the overall weaknesses of your work?

My main weakness was my editing. This is the worst aspect of the work to me, as I've never edited. This was a the hardest task for me, but with the use of Final Cut Pro I eventually got better and have become more confident with my editing

What overall improvements would you make to your work? Why?

What I would overall improve is the filming of the short movie, when filming occured the camera shook because of the camera-man pressing the record button, therefore losing the tightness in editing. The characters also look at the camera as if they had no idea what do to, and to resolve this problem I had to cut some of the clips footage down by enough to make the transitions tight.

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