Wednesday 14 September 2016

My media summer

My Media Summer


The plot of the film is centered around a group of teenagers. These teenagers have recently acquired some money problems. To overcome this obstacle they plan to rob a house. A wealthy blind mans house. Little do they know about the resident of this home and of his dark, dark secret.
Don't Breathe showtimes and tickets


The movie that I have chose to review is 'Don't breathe'. I recently watched this film and absolutely loved it! This film has made me certainly made me think twice about blind people! In this film there are some very specific scenes which made me fall in love with the motion picture. My favorite scene is when 2 of the teenagers have migrated to the basement for safety from the 'Blind Man', a couple shots later showing that the teenagers are hiding, lights cut out. "Now you see what I see". This scene gave me chills that would help me cool down in the summer. The use of the booming voice to show that he is the Omni-present in this state of sight.

Budget and profit:

Image result for cartoon hiding
The budget of 'Don't breathe' is just under $10mil with $9.9mil. This budget compared to another hit film this summer, 'Suicide Squad', is smaller than an island compared to a continent! 'Suicide squad' had a budget of $175mil. That's enough for me to buy the McDonalds franchise! Believe me with that type of money you would not see me for a few years. Being coped up in my little world or box, represented by the picture next to this text.


Overall I believe that this movie is one of the best movies I have seen in a long, long while. This film will be one of my personal favourites. I think I might have to get the DVD to show my grandchildren what a classic this film is. Out of 10, I would have to give this film a, out of this world, as you guessed it, my favourite (you thought I was going to say out of this world didnt ya). I recommend you, yes you the reader, to go watch this film right now. Maybe you too will take a liking to the movie like I did. 


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